Sunday, September 4, 2016

How centrifugal compressors handle air, where centriful pumps do not

Centrifugal pumps and compressors operates on the same principle of converting kinetic energy of the rotating impreller to pressure energy of the fluid it handles.The fluid particles are thrown out from the tip of the impeller with huge kinetic energies, which is coverted to pressure energy by the special volute design of the casing. Both cent. pumps and compressors operates on same principle but have a different clearence levels, and imepeller dimensions.

The perfomance of a centrifugal pump will be largely dependend upon the wear ring clearence. Wear ring clearence is the clearence between the impeller and the casing at the inlet side of the pump. If this clearence is high, the fluid inside the casing will be pumped back to the suction eye, reducing pump efficency. For a normal centrifugal pump handling liquids, this clearance is relatively higher.
For a centrifugal compressor, the wear ring clearence will be extremely small. This will allow handling of fluids of very low densities i.e, air .

A large impeller can create very high angular velocites at the impeller tips, which traslates into high pressure energy of the fluid handled. The Auxilliary blowers for main engines and T/C blowers are centrifugal with large imepller diamters because of this reason. Large rotational speeds also increases the rate of energy transfer to the fluid handled, which also results in handling of light fluids.

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