Fuel pumps plungers are machined to very fine tolerances, as is the matched barrel in which it reciprocates. This means that a plunger from one fuel pump cannot be used into another barell from a different fuel pump, of same make and model.
Wear due to erosion (due to high pressure fuel as it spills) takes place on the top edge of the plunger and the edge of the helices and spill ports. This, together with the wear in the plunger and barrel, will lead to the injection timing becoming retarded, for which adjustment may have to be made.
a fuel pump plunger and barell.
Wear due to erosion (due to high pressure fuel as it spills) takes place on the top edge of the plunger and the edge of the helices and spill ports. This, together with the wear in the plunger and barrel, will lead to the injection timing becoming retarded, for which adjustment may have to be made.

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