Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Stable, unstable and neutral ship

The Stable equilibrium is ship’s stability which can return to the initial position, The Metacentre must be above The centre of gravity,The metacentrichight of ship must be positive GM and had small angle of heel ≤ 15ᴼ and return to The Stable equilibrium with 
righting moment.

stable ship.

The Unstable equilibrium is ship’s stability which cann’t return to the initial position, The Metacentre must be under The centre of gravity,The metacentrichight of ship must be Negative GM and had small angle of heel ˃ 15ᴼ which cannot return to The Stable equilibrium because The lefting moment force with CG which She is capsized. 

unstable ship.

Forasmuch The internal or external force act to her result with The ship is inclined to fixed . Which she has zero GM and she cann’t return initial position because The Moment of Staical Stability is zero.
neutral ship.
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