Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What will be your action on a blackout a sea?

Never panic in such situation, be calm and composed. Emergency generator will restore the power in no time.
Ø  Inform Officer on bridge briefly about the condition.
Ø  Call for man power and inform the chief engineer.
Ø  If the main propulsion plant is running, bring the fuel lever to zero position.
Ø  Close the feed of the running purifier to avoid overflow and wastage of fuel.
Ø  If auxiliary boiler was running, shut the main steam stop valve to maintain the steam pressure.
Ø  Find out the problem and reason for blackout and rectify the same.
Ø  Before starting the generator set, start the pre- lubrication priming pump if the supply for the same is given from the emergency generator; if not, then use manual priming handle (provided in some generator).
Ø  Start the generator and take it on load. Then immediately start the main engine lube oil pump and main engine jacket water pump.
Ø  Reset breakers and start all the other required machinery and system. Reset breakers that are included in preferential tripping sequence. (Non-essential machinery).

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