Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What is ovality of auxiliary engine crank pin?

Combined effect of reduced effectiveness of L.O and directional thrust of the con rod. This is maximum at around 45 degree ATDC
Uneven loading of units and overloading
Max Allowed: 1/4th of the bearing clearance Removed By: Insitu Grinding and polishing Reference: Fillet of crank web
Max. Allowed Grinding: 2mm, because after grinding 2mm or more surface hardness reduces drastically. Due to this maximum allowable grinding is 2mm.
Bottom bearing damage reason is the ovality, bearing clearance and condition of L.O supply

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  1. Yeah that's true max allowable bearing clearance is 25% of the bearing clearance

    1. yes deepak. crank shaft bearings also should have a max value of 25%
